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Big Ideas


-Bruno moves out of berlin

because his father has a new job that the Fury gave him.- the boy has no Idea

who the people in the striped pajamas that he can see from his window are

 neither he nor his sister like the new home because it is in the middle of nowhere and there is no one to play with.




Bruno: Is the principal character, a boy that is nine years old and goes to live with his family in front of a concentration camp because his father is a very impotant person for the Nazis plan.

Mother: she is Bruno's mother.

Father: he is Bruno's father and he is a comander of the Nazis. 

Maria: she is the maid of bruno's fmily and the only one Bruno can talk to.

The Fury: he is the one who gives the orders to father.

Gretel: she is the sister of Bruno.

Pavel: he is the ma who cuts the vegetables every day, an the man who helped bruno when he fell from the swing he made, he is also a doctor but he only tells Bruno.

Grand mother: she is the mom of the father of Bruno. She was a singer and she does not feel god about his son articipating in the Nazis actions.

Grand father: he is the father of the father of Bruno. He is the owner of a restaurant and he is really proud of his on atleast that is what he wants every one to believe.

Shmuel: he is the little poloish boy that has the same birthday as Bruno and the boy who lives at the other side of the fence and who wears a pijama. He makes bruno feel better because he is someone he can talk to besides the ones that are near the house. He makes bruno feel good because bruno compared to kids from his same age he is really small but this boy is much more smaller.

Liutenant Kurt Kotler: he is a soldier in the Nazis army and obeys to father, he is also becoming a good friend of Gretel and maby they will become a couple.




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