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Where the smiles are born


Love does not begin to describe how special it is

It is as unique as a four leaf clover

It is as mysterious and interesting as God

It has a lot of variety like animals, plants, geography, cultures...

It may impress anyone seeking adventures

It has raised from the ruins several times

Because it has strength and can manage difficulties

It combines the beauty of the modern and antique

There is life wherever you look

It receives the things and people that need it

It gives us faith that prosperity and peace will be achieved

It is extraordinary in every way you look at it

The love I feel for it can not be measured but,

I love Colombia and it encourages me every day to keep going on

          Romeo and Juliet, the ones who proved love can conquer all. The epic story every person knows has been transformed in movies and plays throughout the decades like the one made by Baz Lurhmann called Romeo + Juliet in which he went over the line in exaggerating every detail of the story. I am going to tell you the good things about this movie that are very few, and the bad ones, also the connections of the movie and the book.


          I liked in the movie the actor who interpreted Romeo, Leonardo DiCaprio, he was pretty much the only good thing apart from the ending of the movie because it was unexpected and intense. The bad things of the movie were the characters, outfits, behaviors and what they say is completely ridiculous. I also did not like that everyone yelled all the time, that it was done in modern day and the language used was the one from the original story. It was horrible when Mercutio dressed like a woman and he drugged himself with Romeo before re the party. They made a whole different story when they changed the details, they ruined it and made it pathetic and the director damaged the sane society of the past. Although here were some remaining aspects in the movie like Leonardo DiCaprio I did not like most of the movie.


           Some of the things that were similar in the book and in the movie were the relationships between characters and the overall theme. But there were some different aspects between the two stories like that Mercutio and Romeo drug themselves before the Capulet's party. Another thing different is that Paris never encounters Romeo in a fight after Juliet fakes her death. Other distinction is that in the movie Juliet never tells her father she will marry Paris and apologize to him. But overall the only difference I liked was the ending.


          The story of Romeo and Juliet that has made an impact in history was turned into something totally different story in this movie. The only two good things of this move were Romeo and the ending, and they were the only reasons why the movie wasn't a complete failure. Such a bad movie should not be recommended to anyone at all.

Review of the movie Romeo + Juliet

The Powerful

            Dark days are common in Fortrader. But Chashia as always sees the best in them, she enjoys every single raindrop that falls. Although she lives happily every day, her father Hugo is not like her. Her friends are exceptionally supportive and what they desire most in their lives is to change the society they live in or at least improve it a little, because men and woman of older generations gave up on it. In Fortrader few people were powerful and therefore all the rest weren't important at all. Only rich people with powerful connections could afford a good school or medical attendance for their children. Since the people had horrible medical attention, the children from the time they were born until they were seven had the risk of dying by the ghastly diseases that surrounded the atmosphere. If people survived as infants they died around their sixties.


            Like every day Chashia went on an early walk watching the amazing pink and purple sunrise that Fortrader possessed. Only this time she took an old trail almost erased by the undergrowth. She always took different paths, which lead to the north of Fortrader, but this one lead to the south. No one went there because it was so dark that even cats became blind, which was what people thought. She was an explorer, so she adventured that way. After walking for almost two hours she was still deep into the forest. She thought about turning back but curiosity was so strong that she couldn't endure it. Chashia went out of the trail towards a field of wild flowers. It was so fresh, the wind carried the smell of lilies which, at the touch of Chashias skin, was softer then the paws of a kitten. The cave was on the other side of the field. Chashia crossed it and went in it.


            Blue, green, brown; chilly, windy, sunny; GORGEOUS in every sense. These were the first things Chashia observed as soon as she stepped out of the portal in the cave, it had transported her to another place, another planet without any technology or constructions of any type there was only nature and peace. Chashia spent some hours in this place and then went back through the portal and to her house. The first days she kept the secret but she could not hold it for much longer.  After her sixteenth birthday she gathered her four best friends and told them in detail the story. They were very impressed and were intrigued about the unusual cave so they scheduled to meet that day at six thirty in the trail. Joseph and Ania were the first to arrive with Chashia.

"So, is Andre coming Chashia?" Ania asked.

"Well I don't know, but I hope so, he is very nice" answered Cashia.

"If you say so" Ania turned around and looked at Joseph to request his opinion.

"He is somewhat nice, only... He is kind of on the other side" Joseph replied to the look.

"But he is different; all rich people are not exactly the same!" Chashia announced annoyed by the judgement of her friends. Gary arrived and they went to the cave because if they waited more for Andre they would be caught by darkness there and it was not the best idea. Even though he said he would try to be there on time it was risky for someone with his family status, to cross alone to the other side where Chashia lived, so he told them that if he was not there by six forty lo leave without him. They explored the area and even went to the other planet. They didn't believe it at first but the more they learned about the new place the more they wanted to stay, they were amazed by the brightest sun and moon that shined together and made the sky a neon dream. There were a hundred waterfalls from the biggest one to the smallest, the valleys full of flowers and lavender that filled the air with an unforgettable exotic scent that filled their nostrils. The amount of forest animals was colossal and diverse no one remembered to see so many wild animals on their entire life as they did while they were at the other side of the portal. They even considered staying and never going back but that was a selfish sense. The society and their families needed them to change how things worked and this discovery gave them hope which was what all needed.


            Every week during months they would meet up and visit this amazing world in which they could stop worrying for a while about their medical care or the fact that they did not have enough money to send their brothers or sisters to school because they had to eat, dress and have a place to sleep in. One of the las meetings before the new year Ania came up with an idea. She told the others that she had found the perfect function for the portal.

"Guys listen, I know how we can use the portal, if we were to disappear from the society the portal could help."

"What?" Asked Chashia confused by the new idea.

"If we tele transported the people in our society that have been oppressed by the higher classes for decades and we could go to a better place, somewhere we could start fresh and we would all be equal. Wouldn't that be wonderful?" Ania explained

"Well yes but if we do that what is going to prevent the powerful man like Joshua Garton, the mayor, and the greediest person I have ever known in my life, to come after us and declare himself emperor of the new land?" Joseph objected

"Perhaps if Andre did some little examination he could come up with a way to close it temporarily, after all he is the only one that has had a good education since his uncle is part of Fortrader’s council." Chashia suggested to her other friends.

"But how can we assure that he will not ruin our plans by telling his dad or worst, his uncle. He is from the other side" Gary pointed out the fragile glass they were walking on if they told him their plan.

"He is different, he is a simple and honorable person not like the other people in his side and besides, it is our only chance to put our plan in progress." Chashia said. The next morning they all gathered and explained to Andre what their plan was and asked him to do the research which he accepted. "I will do the research with one condition, I get to take you out Chashia" Andre said to Chashia after Ania, Joseph and Gary had all gone home and they were the only ones left.

"Why? I am not like you, you should know that we aren't allowed to be seen together that is why we only hang out in places that we don't get seen, sorry but I cannot be in love with someone with who I can't be seen with. Sorry, maybe if things were different." Chashia responded to Andre and it was true but there is another problem and it was that her friends did not trust him, they thought that he was a stubborn, egomaniac, greedy man just like any other powerful man.

"Fine I will do it, with the hope that things will be different, because I believe they will be." Responded Andre to Chashia looking as she faded away. As soon as the sun went up Chashia got ready and went to the meeting point just like the first time.


            When she got there her heart skipped a beat, she saw him standing right there waiting for her with so beautiful and so simple smile that the time froze for a second in which she could appreciate what she thought she could never have, a life with the man she loved. She had a crush on him since she was eight but the problem was that their divided society wouldn't let anything happen between them. After they explored the cave, they discovered how the portal was created.


            The sun rays that bounced off a little stream shined into the cave but it was not just an ordinary cave. This was a magnetic force field that was so strong it did not let some of the sun rays that bounced in the stream to pass and shine in the wall, it retained them therefore some energy and it could do it because during the day the sun was strong so when it's energy was bounced off, the energy could be separated into the group that gave the energy to open the portal and the other group that shined in the wall. Since in Fortrader it was almost all the time dark and raining, they would have to wait for some of the clouds to move and let for a minute the sun's rays inn. Even though there were some clouds that place was somewhat different, it rained but it was nothing like the city, in the field once in a while they could see the sun bright and hot in their faces. As soon as everybody knew the process of how the portal was created they put their brains together and with great effort they bought a metal piece with cloth on top and put it on top of the river where the sun shined and was reflected. When the reflection stopped the portal was not there anymore.


            A month later everyone who had been oppressed was warned. The first day of the next month they gathered the most essential supplies they needed and went to the the cave as dissimulated as possible. They agreed that if someone was not in time and the powerful got there they would leave them behind because they could not risk the portal to be in the hands of those people. Each family had a time of arriving announced to them. With the city almost empty something was weird or at least that was what thought Andre's dad. He searched for him near Cahshia's home but instead of finding him he saw a whole family traveling with some stuff to the side of Fortrader no one goes, so he went after them. Andre hadn't told him his plans, he did not trust that his dad would keep the secret specially because the blind allegiance to his brother made him a risk. When he saw the whole action he went to Andre and asked him what was going on. Andre with the help of Chashia told him the story, because after all, he was Andre's dad and he would leave one way or another and deep inside Andre did not want his dad to worry about him, anyway if he told his brother they could pass to the other planet before they had the chance to catch them. Andre' dad was agitated by the news, they could see it in his eyes. He turned around and runned back. They prepared themselves to pass at any time if the powerful got there. There was only one family left scheduled to pass.


            Andre's father reappeared alone but with bags. He had packed and was ready to leave with them. He confessed to his son that he was only near his brother so that he could pay the medical care and a good school for him. Ania, Joseph, Gary and Adre's dad passed first.


            When Chashia and Andre were going to pass the portal it disappeared. There was a huge dark cloud above them that moved slowly. By the time the cloud let the sun rays pass they would have to wait for a while. There was nothing they could do but sit down and talk. They had forgotten about the metal piece with the cloth to close the portal in the other side. Chashia started trotting back but Andre got her before she was too far. He told her that he was in love with her and would never in the world let her go with the risk of getting trapped by the powerful, he told her after they passed they could make one of wood. Right then the portal opened. They looked at each other and walked through it suddenly it closed again and forever.

Humans Vs. Technology New Media Proyect

           To be able to write an argumentative essay supporting the idea that technology is harmful to humans. To create the essay I had to read several articles based on different perspectives on the topic to have a better idea of the issues and the advantages. Afterwards I had to decide the side I would take which was against technology. To finally start to create my first draft, I had to first fill and outline the teacher provided to organize the ideas and the main topic as well as the evidence I would use. I wrote my first draft with the help of the outline and introduced all the evidence I would use. One of my class mates afterwards checked my essay to make sure it was okay and give me advices to improve it. After it was checked I rewrote the parts that were wrong and corrected some spelling mistakes to leave it in the best condition I could to start the process of transformation for the new media format. The first step for the transformation was making an outline of a website, where the pictures and information would go. Afterwards I had o go online and create a web page specifically for this assignment. I had to start searching for all the images and videos I would include and take myself some of them, also edit them to be ready for the final product. As a requirement we had to include the sources of the evidence we used to support our claim, so I had to find a way to upload them to my website from the teacher's google drive. Finally I added the information that I wrote in the essay.


            Both of this formats are in some ways similar and different to create. They both needed to be planned by creating a very detailed outline to organize all of the information. They have the same information, the same ideas and evidence from the same texts. Since both need to be appealing to the audience they took a lot of effort to create in a way that would be some how engaging. The essay has a hook while the website has videos and pictures to make it more didactic. The website took a bit of more preparation before actually creating the visual display because I had to create the website itself. The website also has more visual displays so I had to take the pictures myself or search for them, the same as the videos I included to support my evidence. For the essay I had to create a first draft and then have it corrected and correct it afterwards.


            The creation of the essay presented some difficulties, first of all the evidence was a bit difficult to introduce in the text. I had to do a work showcase but it was complicated because the organization was somewhat specific and complicated and I had not much experience creating it. It was also a bit extensive to write and then correct. But the toughest part of all was convincing the reader that the internet is all bad because it most certainly gives us opportunities to question that claim, it has also some advantages that can not be denied. As well it had some fun to its creation, I got to express my opinion in a very polemic and complicated topic that is very real too. The thought is that in some aspects it improves our daily life but at the same times is very harmful.  The new media transformation was tough because I had to find a way to edit the pictures I took in the website itself because otherwise it did not work. I had to find as well a way to upload the sources into the website an it was a bit of a problem because I had to try so many different ways before I was able to finally do it. I had to find pictures and videos that supported in some ways the ideas I was trying to argue and that they looked okay but also had a good size so they did not look blurry. It also had its fun aspects, like that I learned many things about creating a website. Besides, I got to watch vey entertaining and interesting videos to decide which I could include to improve my project. In conclusion, the change from one format to another was somewhat challenging but at the same time it was a very interesting thing to do and experience because they always have things in common but they are very different to in some aspects. I was a good thing to change the format because it becomes clear that many options are avalable to presnt an argument to any given theme very easily.  



Link to:

Humans Vs. Nature website

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